已发布: 3 十月 2023

Climate Governance and the Circular Economy: A Primer for Boards

The transition to circular business models is a critical lever for organizations to achieve climate commitments and reach net-zero emissions. Since board directors play a pivotal role in steering companies, they must be prepared to champion and drive the circular agenda.

The transition to circular business models is a critical lever for organizations to achieve climate commitments and reach net-zero emissions. Since board directors play a pivotal role in steering companies, they must be prepared to champion and drive the circular agenda.

By leveraging the complete circular economy toolkit, boards can guide their companies to deliver on their strategic climate objectives, starting with setting ambitious circular key performance indicators and embracing transformation. This way, the circular economy will enable companies to build resiliency to the extreme impacts of a changing climate while driving business value.

Produced in collaboration with Accenture.


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