已发布: 24 五月 2022

Clean Skies for Tomorrow: Delivering on the Global Power-to-Liquid Ambition

Power-to-liquids (PtL) could emerge as a critical pathway as aviation shifts from fossil to sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). The World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow (CST) initiative, in collaboration with McKinsey & Company and the Mission Possible Partnership, has investigated how it could be scaled in the decade ahead, including how production could unfold in a range of scenarios.

Power-to-liquids (PtL) could emerge as a critical pathway as aviation shifts from fossil to sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). The World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow (CST) initiative, in collaboration with McKinsey & Company and the Mission Possible Partnership, has investigated how it could be scaled in the decade ahead, including how production could unfold in a range of scenarios.

This in-depth analysis is intended to inform the decisions of governments, policy-makers, industry and investors, all of whom will be critical in seizing opportunities, overcoming challenges and taking action to increase the production and use of PtL to reach net-zero emissions goals by 2050. While the report focuses on the global aviation emissions challenge, the findings can be applied to other sectors, including road transport, marine and chemicals, that might require similar sustainable low-carbon fuels.


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