已发布: 14 一月 2025

Circularity in the Built Environment: Unlocking Opportunities in Retrofits

Retrofits are readily available solutions for achieving net-zero emissions and creating a sustainable and resilient built environment, all in a financially positive way. They can conserve resources and enhance the quality of life for residents, and given the scale of the built environment, the cost-effectiveness of decarbonizing existing buildings may surpass that of the wider energy transition.

Retrofits are readily available solutions for achieving net-zero emissions and creating a sustainable and resilient built environment, all in a financially positive way. They can conserve resources and enhance the quality of life for residents, and given the scale of the built environment, the cost-effectiveness of decarbonizing existing buildings may surpass that of the wider energy transition.

This white paper, in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, examines the expanding market for building retrofits and advocates for circular economy practices in the sector. It analyses the economic viability of circular retrofits, considering various factors such as costs, incentives and regional variations in adoption. It highlights key themes for stakeholders, including design, technology, infrastructure and collaboration, and emphasizes the importance of a systems approach for achieving large-scale impact.


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