已发布: 21 五月 2024

Circular Industry Solutions for a Global Plastics Treaty

Plastic pollution is a defining environmental crisis of our time. In March 2022, 175 countries adopted a historic resolution at the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) to develop an international, legally binding agreement on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.

Plastic pollution is a defining environmental crisis of our time. In March 2022, 175 countries adopted a historic resolution at the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) to develop an international, legally binding agreement on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.

As member states are negotiating the ins and outs of the forthcoming instrument, key industry players across the plastics value chain are, to varying degrees, preparing themselves for its implications. This report shares key insights and learnings from industry players across the plastics value chain, who have started to develop and implement circular solutions. It gathers case studies from across the globe developed by organizations of various sizes. By analysing existing solutions, this report aims to build confidence and provide relevant insights to industry stakeholders in their journey towards creating and adopting an effective and impactful global plastics treaty.


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