已发布: 28 九月 2022

Chief Economists Outlook: September 2022

The September 2022 edition of the Chief Economists Outlook launches at a time of significant economic danger. Inflation has surged to levels not seen in a generation and expectations for growth have been pared back in all regions. Real wages and consumer confidence are in freefall, adding further headwinds to growth and even raising the prospect of social unrest. Domestically and globally, we are in uncharted waters. As our latest survey of Chief Economists makes clear, there are painful months ahead, as well as pressing challenges to bolster the medium- and long-term resilience of economies and societies.

The September 2022 edition of the Chief Economists Outlook launches at a time of significant economic danger. Inflation has surged to levels not seen in a generation and expectations for growth have been pared back in all regions. Real wages and consumer confidence are in freefall, adding further headwinds to growth and even raising the prospect of social unrest. Domestically and globally, we are in uncharted waters. As our latest survey of Chief Economists makes clear, there are painful months ahead, as well as pressing challenges to bolster the medium- and long-term resilience of economies and societies.

This Chief Economists Outlook explores many of the key forces currently driving the global economy and roiling the lives of people and businesses across the world. These include inflation and the cost-of-living crisis, food and energy security, monetary policy, labour market disruption, sovereign and corporate debt dynamics and increasing global fragmentation. The report draws on the collective views and individual perspectives of a group of leading Chief Economists, through the Forum’s Chief Economists Survey and consultations with the Chief Economists Community.


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