已发布: 18 一月 2022

Charting the Course for Global Value Chain Resilience 

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and when it comes to the current state of global value chains, weakness is evident everywhere upstream and downstream. No industry is insulated from the global disruptions that are occurring. And while issues affect various industry sectors in different ways, there are unique opportunities for pioneers to build resilience and shape the supply chains of the future.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and when it comes to the current state of global value chains, weakness is evident everywhere upstream and downstream. No industry is insulated from the global disruptions that are occurring. And while issues affect various industry sectors in different ways, there are unique opportunities for pioneers to build resilience and shape the supply chains of the future.

This paper builds on the previously introduced resiliency compass and presents five distinct profiles of resilience leadership to help companies in the manufacturing and supply chain ecosystem confidently chart a course forward towards resilience with focus and action. A series of playbooks outline actionable strategies employed by leaders within each resilience profile to fortify their value chain.


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