已发布: 19 三月 2014

CEO Breakfast Report - Mobile World Congress 2014

The digital world has substantialy redifened trade, and continues to be one of the key drivers of economic activity across the globe. The digital economy is on pace to reach US$ 4.2 trillion in the G20 states by 2016, which represents more than 5% GDP; in some countries, the digital economy will exceed 10% of GDP. It would rank as one of the world\'s top five economies, behind only the United States, China, Japan and India, and ahead of Germany. With a growth rate of 15%-25%, it is developing significantly faster than the economy as a whole and may be one of the engines to overcome recession.

The digital world has substantialy redifened trade, and continues to be one of the key drivers of economic activity across the globe. The digital economy is on pace to reach US$ 4.2 trillion in the G20 states by 2016, which represents more than 5% GDP; in some countries, the digital economy will exceed 10% of GDP. It would rank as one of the world\'s top five economies, behind only the United States, China, Japan and India, and ahead of Germany. With a growth rate of 15%-25%, it is developing significantly faster than the economy as a whole and may be one of the engines to overcome recession.


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