已发布: 8 一月 2024

Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network Impact Report 2022-2023

Via its global network of 19 hubs across five continents – and growing – the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is advancing its mission to help stakeholders harness the full potential of technological progress for the equitable and human-centred transformation of industries, economies and societies.

Via its global network of 19 hubs across five continents – and growing – the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is advancing its mission to help stakeholders harness the full potential of technological progress for the equitable and human-centred transformation of industries, economies and societies.

The network’s first impact report showcases significant achievements in 2022-2023, from enhancing food production in Colombia to shaping artificial intelligence policy in Rwanda.

These successes highlight the network’s commitment to technological advancements for a human-centred, equitable transformation of societies. As the network continues to grow, it aims to deepen its impact through stronger collaborations and new regional centres. This journey, detailed in the report, underscores the importance of global cooperation in harnessing the potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to address pressing challenges and unlock opportunities.

The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution thanks all contributors for their committed partnership and looks forward to generating even more collective impact in the years ahead.


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