已发布: 19 一月 2015

The Business of Creativity: Seeking Value in the Digital Content Ecosystem

The internet has had a significant impact on the media, entertainment and information industry. Constantly evolving technologies and the accelerating pace of innovation will require more fluid modes of content creation and distribution. Norms and Values in Digital Media explores how digital content has introduced opportunities for creating, sharing and distributing content, while revealing tensions in copyright systems. The report highlights recent innovations in the digital content ecosystem, illustrates how such innovations impact copyright systems, and explores the legal, technical and societal changes needed to foster the ongoing innovation of online content.

The internet has had a significant impact on the media, entertainment and information industry. Constantly evolving technologies and the accelerating pace of innovation will require more fluid modes of content creation and distribution. Norms and Values in Digital Media explores how digital content has introduced opportunities for creating, sharing and distributing content, while revealing tensions in copyright systems. The report highlights recent innovations in the digital content ecosystem, illustrates how such innovations impact copyright systems, and explores the legal, technical and societal changes needed to foster the ongoing innovation of online content.


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