已发布: 17 一月 2024

Building Trust through an Equitable and Inclusive Energy Transition

This report provides a framework and 10 critical questions, aiming to build trust, encourage collaboration and guide policy-makers and business leaders in the energy sector towards advancing a just, equitable and inclusive energy transition.

This report provides a framework and 10 critical questions, aiming to build trust, encourage collaboration and guide policy-makers and business leaders in the energy sector towards advancing a just, equitable and inclusive energy transition.

Recent challenges in the global energy landscape, compounded by short-term government fixes, have exacerbated disparities, disproportionately impacting low-income countries and households. Inadvertently, these actions have put equity and inclusivity considerations under pressure.

A significant concern is the limited access to affordable modern, clean energy. Despite increased clean energy investments, the majority remains concentrated in a few countries and sectors, with over 90% of the growth in advanced economies and China, contradicting the anticipated economic growth and energy demand in the Global South.

Unlocking the full potential of a successful energy transition hinges on prioritizing equity, justice and inclusivity. Robustly integrating these principles into the business and economic case can accelerate the transition, ensuring full benefits for individuals and communities. Neglecting these principles poses a risk of severe delays, making it necessary to address them holistically at all levels – local, national and global.


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