已发布: 22 一月 2013

Building Resilience in Supply Chains

Supply chains are backbones of the global economy. Their complexity and critical role have businesses and governments increasingly concerned about managing major disruptions. This calls for a better strategy around resilience to build agile, transparent and diversified systems. The Forum’s report ‘Building Supply Chain Resilience’ being published in collaboration with Accenture offers a blueprint for resilience through public private partnerships, policy, strategy and IT and calls for an institution to implement it.Read the reportRead the executive summary 

Supply chains are backbones of the global economy. Their complexity and critical role have businesses and governments increasingly concerned about managing major disruptions. This calls for a better strategy around resilience to build agile, transparent and diversified systems. The Forum’s report ‘Building Supply Chain Resilience’ being published in collaboration with Accenture offers a blueprint for resilience through public private partnerships, policy, strategy and IT and calls for an institution to implement it.Read the reportRead the executive summary 


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