已发布: 16 十月 2015

Building Resilience in Nepal through Public-Private Partnerships

The earthquakes that struck the mountain nation of Nepal in April-May 2015 killed thousands and caused millions of dollars worth of damage. But the damage could have been worse. By learning from what worked in terms of the safety of houses and schools, and the crucial economic sector of tourism, the hope is that the impact of future earthquakes can be lessened.The latest use case from the Global Agenda Council on Risk and Resilience - ‘Building Resilience in Nepal through Public-Private Partnerships’ – highlights tangible examples from Nepal of where multi-stakeholder partnerships between the public and private sectors and civil society organisations made a difference, and where they could be scaled up to be more effective in future.

The earthquakes that struck the mountain nation of Nepal in April-May 2015 killed thousands and caused millions of dollars worth of damage. But the damage could have been worse. By learning from what worked in terms of the safety of houses and schools, and the crucial economic sector of tourism, the hope is that the impact of future earthquakes can be lessened.The latest use case from the Global Agenda Council on Risk and Resilience - ‘Building Resilience in Nepal through Public-Private Partnerships’ – highlights tangible examples from Nepal of where multi-stakeholder partnerships between the public and private sectors and civil society organisations made a difference, and where they could be scaled up to be more effective in future.


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