已发布: 16 七月 2020

Building Resilience in Manufacturing and Supply Systems in the COVID-19 context and beyond: Latin America Perspectives

The COVID-19 global crisis continues to disrupt manufacturing and global supply chains with severe consequences for society, businesses, consumers, and the global economy. While the pandemic has reached Latin America later than other regions, its impact is as devastating as elsewhere. Recognizing this urgency, the Forum’s Regional Action Group for Latin America brought together the foremost government and public and private sector leaders, to discuss the industry implications, responses, and collaboration to build resilience on manufacturing and supply systems in Latin America.

The COVID-19 global crisis continues to disrupt manufacturing and global supply chains with severe consequences for society, businesses, consumers, and the global economy. While the pandemic has reached Latin America later than other regions, its impact is as devastating as elsewhere. Recognizing this urgency, the Forum’s Regional Action Group for Latin America brought together the foremost government and public and private sector leaders, to discuss the industry implications, responses, and collaboration to build resilience on manufacturing and supply systems in Latin America.

This briefing document builds on the Regional Action Group’s insights and on the Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Production activities, in collaboration with Kearney, and provides key perspectives captured from the interactions with leaders from the region to support the restarting of economies in Latin America.


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