已发布: 16 一月 2015

Building Foundations Against Corruption Recommendations on Anti-Corruption in the Infrastructure & Urban Development Industries

Bribery and corruption exist across all industries, but the engineering, construction and real estate sectors are particularly at risk, given the size, complexity and strategic importance of infrastructure-related initiatives in both advanced and emerging economies.

Bribery and corruption exist across all industries, but the engineering, construction and real estate sectors are particularly at risk, given the size, complexity and strategic importance of infrastructure-related initiatives in both advanced and emerging economies.

Building Foundations Against Corruption – Recommendations on Anti-Corruption in the Infrastructure & Urban Development Industries provides practical advice on how corruption in infrastructure and related sectors can be addressed through collective action.

By assessing infrastructure, real estate and related value chains, corruption risks can be mapped across the life cycle of typical projects, making it easier to determine where transparency issues arise and focusing industry-wide engagement on the most important areas for mitigation and response. The report is part of the Building Foundations Against Corruption project, which aims to foster CEO and government collaboration to build a framework for open and transparent business practices.

In its first phase, the project launched with an industry survey of 50 leading infrastructure and urban development organizations. This was followed by a risk assessment and the development of three core recommendations for action. A collection of short cases on corruption in the industry – Learnings from the Field – illustrate key operational challenges companies may face and how organizations can respond.

The report is linked to the work of the Partnering Against Corruption Initiative.


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