已发布: 29 四月 2024

Building a Culture of Cyber Resilience in Manufacturing

This playbook outlines three guiding principles to support manufacturing and supply chain leaders in establishing a culture of cyber resilience throughout their organizations. Over the past decade, manufacturing has been experiencing a swift digital transformation, which is fuelling growth, efficiency and profitability. This trend has also, however, exposed the sector to a wide range of cyberthreats, such that manufacturing has become one of the sectors most targeted by cyberattacks.

This playbook outlines three guiding principles to support manufacturing and supply chain leaders in establishing a culture of cyber resilience throughout their organizations. Over the past decade, manufacturing has been experiencing a swift digital transformation, which is fuelling growth, efficiency and profitability. This trend has also, however, exposed the sector to a wide range of cyberthreats, such that manufacturing has become one of the sectors most targeted by cyberattacks.

As digitalization progresses, the manufacturing sector must prioritize building a robust cyber resilience culture to navigate the growing cyberthreat landscape. To this end, the Centre for Cybersecurity and the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains of the World Economic Forum convened a community of cyber leaders from across the manufacturing ecosystem to discuss key challenges and identify best practices. The community developed this playbook outlining three cyber resilience principles, supported by real-world manufacturing use cases to facilitate adoption and effective implementation.


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