已发布: 12 一月 2024

Building a Resilient Tomorrow: Concrete Actions for Global Leaders

This white paper, written by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, showcases pioneering initiatives from public and private organizations, highlights concrete actions for leaders to promote resilience and identifies opportunities for public-private collaboration and investments.

This white paper, written by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with McKinsey & Company, showcases pioneering initiatives from public and private organizations, highlights concrete actions for leaders to promote resilience and identifies opportunities for public-private collaboration and investments.

Resilience has become non-negotiable in a world of ever-increasing disruptions. Now is the time for action: we must move from “talking the talk” to “walking the walk”. The present time must be recognized as an opportunity to build a different muscle group for resilience and a new leadership model for the future.

To do so, organizations need to recognize where they stand on their resilience journey, and leaders need opportunities to share experiences, learn from best practices and build partnerships to develop joint solutions.

Launched at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, the Resilience Consortium brings together ministers, chief executives and heads of international organizations to accelerate collective action across key resilience drivers for the global economy.


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