已发布: 4 十一月 2024

Bridging the Divide: Private Markets and New Drivers of Value Creation

This white paper explores private markets’ unique investor governance model, which can be a significant engine for unlocking value linked to sustainability and the energy transition. It highlights the increasing limited partner (LP) appetite for energy transition funds and looks at how general partners (GPs) leverage the private markets governance model and commercial excellence capabilities to support growth, realign business models and capture sustainability premiums.

This white paper explores private markets’ unique investor governance model, which can be a significant engine for unlocking value linked to sustainability and the energy transition. It highlights the increasing limited partner (LP) appetite for energy transition funds and looks at how general partners (GPs) leverage the private markets governance model and commercial excellence capabilities to support growth, realign business models and capture sustainability premiums.

Key focus areas include enhancing commercial and operational excellence, scaling sustainable products and services, building enabling infrastructure and optimizing company exit positioning. The paper also discusses the critical role of private market investors in transforming companies and deploying traditional value creation levers, including enhancing company go-to-market motions, pricing optimization, international expansion, operational efficiency improvements and M&A strategies to drive more sustainable growth and profitability.

Through detailed LP and GP case studies, it showcases how private equity and infrastructure investors are doing this work across their portfolios, ultimately helping to meet decarbonization goals and create a more sustainable future.


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