已发布: 19 一月 2015

Benchmarking Inclusive Growth and Development: Discussion Paper

Rising income inequality is often the cause of social and political unrest and is damaging to our future economic well-being. Yet while it is clear that economic growth must also deliver improvements in living standards, little in the way of concrete policy guidance has yet emerged. Benchmarking Inclusive Growth and Development, a discussion paper, aims to contribute to the emerging debate on what policy incentives and institutional mechanisms are available to policymakers seeking to expand social inclusion without dampening incentives to work, save and invest.

Rising income inequality is often the cause of social and political unrest and is damaging to our future economic well-being. Yet while it is clear that economic growth must also deliver improvements in living standards, little in the way of concrete policy guidance has yet emerged. Benchmarking Inclusive Growth and Development, a discussion paper, aims to contribute to the emerging debate on what policy incentives and institutional mechanisms are available to policymakers seeking to expand social inclusion without dampening incentives to work, save and invest.


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