已发布: 13 十月 2021

ASEAN Digital Generation Report: Pathway to ASEAN’s inclusive digital transformation and recovery

Based on a survey of close to 90,000 respondents from six countries in the South-East Asia region (ASEAN), this report continues to monitor the impact of the pandemic on respondents, exploring how the ongoing digitalization has benefited their life and society in the real economy, what stands in their way of further digitalization and maximization of such benefits, and how to tackle these obstacles. It also offers a window into people’s outlook for the world post pandemic. One consistent finding throughout the survey was how the respondents believe technology will play a vital role in supporting their own livelihoods as well as the economy at large. The survey also revealed that digitalization has a ‘flywheel’ effect wherein users who had first experienced the benefits of technology were more eager to deepen their levels of digitalization. The survey was conducted in partnership with Sea Ltd.

Based on a survey of close to 90,000 respondents from six countries in the South-East Asia region (ASEAN), this report continues to monitor the impact of the pandemic on respondents, exploring how the ongoing digitalization has benefited their life and society in the real economy, what stands in their way of further digitalization and maximization of such benefits, and how to tackle these obstacles. It also offers a window into people’s outlook for the world post pandemic. One consistent finding throughout the survey was how the respondents believe technology will play a vital role in supporting their own livelihoods as well as the economy at large. The survey also revealed that digitalization has a ‘flywheel’ effect wherein users who had first experienced the benefits of technology were more eager to deepen their levels of digitalization. The survey was conducted in partnership with Sea Ltd.


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