已发布: 6 十二月 2022

ASEAN Digital Generation Report: Digital Financial Inclusion

This report, written in collaboration with Sea, calls for a targeted and multistakeholder approach to tackling barriers to financial inclusion for the ASEAN region’s digital generation. These barriers include significant digital and financial literacy gaps, safety and security concerns, limited adoption of advanced financial services and low access to international payment services.

This report, written in collaboration with Sea, calls for a targeted and multistakeholder approach to tackling barriers to financial inclusion for the ASEAN region’s digital generation. These barriers include significant digital and financial literacy gaps, safety and security concerns, limited adoption of advanced financial services and low access to international payment services.

Based on a survey of more than 90,000 respondents in the ASEAN region, this report aims to offer statistical insights to inform relevant policy choices in the region. As the sixth report in the series, it explores the current landscape of financial services digitalization, identifies relevant gaps and outlines the actions needed to advance digital financial inclusion. Access to finance is not universal within ASEAN’s digital generation, particularly with regard to digital savviness and financial know-how, both of which are vital to the adoption of digital financial services. By increasing access to digital financial services, the ASEAN region can strengthen resilience and build a more vibrant, inclusive and sustainable economy.


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