已发布: 14 一月 2025

Artificial Intelligence for Efficiency, Sustainability and Inclusivity in TradeTech

This report illustrates the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in global trade by presenting current applications of AI across trade processes, including supply chains, logistics, trade finance, and customs and compliance.

This report illustrates the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) in global trade by presenting current applications of AI across trade processes, including supply chains, logistics, trade finance, and customs and compliance.

Centred around use cases of AI submitted by the TradeTech Global community, the report highlights this technology’s potential to enhance efficiency, promote sustainability and encourage inclusivity across international commerce. The report also addresses the challenges and benefits of AI adoption, discussing the associated costs, complexities and potential returns on investment to provide a matrix of areas in which AI adoption is most likely to progress.

Emphasizing the importance of collaboration, the report outlines a vision for the future of trade, where stakeholders converge to harness AI's full potential. This comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights for trade professionals, policy-makers and technology innovators, offering a roadmap for using AI to create a more efficient, sustainable and inclusive global trade ecosystem.


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