已发布: 6 九月 2023

Annual Report 2022-2023

Our Initiatives, Insights and Communities

The Forum’s centres bring diverse groups of people together from governments, businesses and civil society to create communities of purpose to address the world’s most pressing challenges. More than 130 multistakeholder initiatives, insights and communities are described in the following list.

Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains

Global Lighthouse Network: Spotlights the most successful stories of digital transformation in manufacturing, and builds a cross- industry learning journey to disseminate data-based insights on how technologies are transforming operations for unprecedented financial, operational and societal returns

People as the Future of Manufacturing: Shapes a new vision of the role of people in industries through hands-on collaborations with factories worldwide, creating a framework to drive industrial workforce transformation programmes and the Augmented Learning Tool, a tool for the manufacturing community to assess, share and evaluate upskilling and reskilling programmes

Industry Net Zero Accelerator: Creates structured knowledge-sharing platforms between stakeholders to inform decisions and demystify industrial net-zero transformations; incubates the Estainium Association, a neutral platform to accelerate solutions to reach net zero; disseminates the Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index globally, a benchmarking tool to assess the sustainability readiness of industrial operations

Circular Transformation of Industries: Defines the impact of circularity transformations on resiliency, growth, efficiency and sustainability; promotes a repository of the most innovative cross-industry use cases of circular operating and business models; incubates new partnerships to drive circular production (in collaboration with the Centre for Nature and Climate)

Industrial Strategies for the Future of Supply Chains: Classifies potential future supply chain configurations; collects eminent global examples of public-private collaborations to inform the design and development of the next generation of industrial strategies in light of future global trends and developments

US Center for Advanced Manufacturing: Incubates and disseminates projects and communities as well as the impact and outreach of this national thematic centre, which is focused on accelerating the transition towards advanced manufacturing in the United States (in collaboration with the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution)

Chief Operating, Supply Chain and Procurement Officers: Collaborate to navigate the latest trends and advance the transformation of manufacturing and supply chain systems in industries from the production ecosystem

New Generation Industry Leaders: Gather tomorrow’s industry leaders to connect, get inspired by foremost industrial thinkers and design a responsible industry transformation

Global Network of Advanced Manufacturing Hubs: Engages regional production ecosystems to highlight local success stories and distil global learnings to drive successful industrial transformations

Global Future Council on Advanced Manufacturing and Value Chains: Sheds light on the most critical industrial issues and trends shaping and advancing the centre’s agenda, vision and mission

Centre for Cybersecurity

Cyber Resilience in Industries: Develops collaborative approaches to enhance cyber resilience across the electricity, manufacturing, and oil and gas ecosystems

Partnership Against Cybercrime: Amplifies public-private cooperation to combat cybercrime and kick-start concrete actions such as the Cybercrime Atlas, a collaborative effort to map and create shared knowledge on the cybercrime landscape

Bridging the Cyber Skills Gap: Creates a strategic cybersecurity talent framework and devises actions to help individuals enter and thrive in the cybersecurity workforce

Global Cybersecurity Outlook: Elevates the issue of cybersecurity from a technical topic to a strategic imperative, based on in-depth research with the Forum’s Chief Information Security Officer community and business leaders

Chief Information Security Officer Community: Collaborates on key issues identified by top cybersecurity leaders from Partner organizations to advance the state of cybersecurity globally

Global Future Council on Cybersecurity: Offers foresight on the most salient cybersecurity trends identified by leading global experts

Centre for Energy and Materials

Energy and Industry Transition Intelligence: Provides data and insight to reflect the state of energy transition efforts and identifies the gaps and enablers for transitioning energy and industrial systems

Clean Power and Electrification: Mobilizes the collective actions of a global alliance of business and government leaders to create and deliver the policy and business model frameworks needed for the massive deployment of clean electricity supply, transmission and electrification

Transforming Industrial Ecosystems: Builds multistakeholder coalitions to deliver net-zero industrial ecosystems through solutions focused on transitioning industrial clusters, accelerating clean hydrogen and clean power for industry and deploying low-carbon-emitting technologies and transition finance

Mobilizing Key Enablers for the Energy Transition: Develops action-oriented insights and coalitions focused on key enablers to accelerate the energy transition, such as scaling finance for clean energy in emerging economies, ensuring the availability of critical minerals, and spearheading advanced energy technology solutions

Global Future Council on the Future of Energy Transition: Provides visions and practical solutions for how the world can deliver on energy security, sustainability and affordability in a new global context

ASEAN Leaders for Just Energy Transitions: Strengthen the intra-regional and international cooperation required to accelerate the energy transition and decarbonization of South-East Asia

Energy Transition Index: Looks at countries’ energy systems performance and their readiness for an effective energy transition to help strengthen their commitment to climate action, detailed in the Fostering Effective Energy Transition reports

Centre for Financial and Monetary Systems

Financing the Transition to a Net-Zero Future: Mobilizes capital and enables demand signals in support of critical decarbonization technologies required to transition the global economy to net-zero emissions

Future of Capital Markets: Focuses on investor education, access to quality financial advice and private-market investments available to investors with the objective of reinforcing trust in the system

Longevity Economy: Financial Resilience for Every Generation: Designs tools and frameworks that build financial resilience in support of a more equitable and sustainable longer life

Technology, Innovation and Systemic Risk: Engages in the identification of emerging technology-driven risks to the financial system and in the development of effective mitigation approaches to ensure system integrity

Digital Currency Governance Consortium: Provides global perspectives in addressing key policy and governance issues related to digital assets

Crypto Impact and Sustainability Accelerator: Furthers research for integrated, inclusive and sustainable growth in the crypto ecosystem

Digital ID Initiative: Offers an in-depth analysis of the operational, governance, and legal and regulatory opportunities and challenges created by the technical innovations in this area, and develops a world-class network of experts at the intersection of web3 and ID

Green Building Principles: Provides a roadmap to deliver net-zero carbon buildings, helping to accelerate action from a broad range of industries with significant real-estate footprints

Women in Finance: Convenes senior female financial services executives to explore shifting industry priorities and identify action-oriented solutions

Chief Financial Officers Community: Convenes chief financial officers across sectors to accelerate corporate action and address pressing strategic issues

Global Future Councils: Offer foresight on the most important trends in finance, investing and asset stewardship identified by leading global experts

Venture Capital Community: Supports healthy entrepreneurship ecosystems by addressing shared challenges and opportunities facing the global venture capital industry

Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture Innovation (AI4AI): Advances the large-scale adoption of ag-tech solutions through public-private partnerships and strategies

Automotive in the Software-Driven Era: Facilitates public-private collaboration on autonomous and electric vehicles to improve safety, inclusivity, sustainability and system reliance

Building the Bioeconomy: Identifies strategic priorities and partnerships for business, science, and government to build an inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable bioeconomy

Data for Common Purpose Initiative: Drives forward data policies and platforms for common purposes to unlock opportunities for individuals, enterprises and society at large

Defining and Building the Metaverse: Creates frameworks to promote access, inclusion and sustainability within the metaverse, while mitigating potential harms

Digital Trust Framework: Defines shared goals and values that inform the concept of trust and set dimensions to evaluate it, such as cybersecurity, safety, fairness and privacy

Earth Observation Platform: Creates frameworks, strategies and partnerships to leverage geospatial data collection analytics for shared and sustainable prosperity

EDISON Alliance: Mobilizes a global movement of leaders to prioritize digital inclusion as foundational to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and make actionable commitments to close the digital divide

FireAId Global Coalition: Raises leadership awareness on wildfires and on harnessing the power of artificial intelligence technologies to improve the cost efficiency, effectiveness and capacity of wildfire mitigation efforts at scale (in partnership with the Centre for Nature and Climate)

FIRST Cancer Care: Accelerates technologies for preventive and curative cancer management in India’s healthcare system (led by the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution India)

Shaping the Space Economy: Unlocks the economic and societal opportunities of space while mitigating potential risks

Generative AI: Identifies and establishes pathways to ensure advanced artificial intelligence models are safe, robust, fair and equitable

Global Coalition for Digital Safety: Explores solutions to advance industry and regulatory progress in digital content safety

Medicine from the Sky: Leverages drone-based technologies for the effective delivery of medical supplies in remote regions (led by the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution India)

National Quantum Blueprint: Creates roadmaps to enable and accelerate the equitable development of quantum systems globally

Top 10 Emerging Technologies Report: Helps professionals throughout sectors and industries anticipate exponential technologies, interpret their implications, and champion industry-shaping and society-serving applications

Chief Digital Officers: Design and deliver digital transformations in 100 companies representing 20 industries

Global Future Councils: Involve global experts producing strategic insights on artificial intelligence, autonomous mobility, data equity, metaverse, quantum technology, space, synthetic biology and technology policy

GovTech Network: Involves policy-makers, technology leaders and innovators at the forefront of the digital transformation of government

Innovator Communities: Involve 400 of the world’s most promising start-ups and scale-ups at the forefront of technological and business model innovation

Quantum Economy Network: Involves over 110 public and private organizations shaping the future of quantum technologies

Centre for Health and Healthcare

Healthcare Digital Transformation: Drives collaboration across geographies, sectors and industries to shape holistic solutions through better access to health data and the use of breakthrough digital technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence and virtual reality) to improve outcomes, expand access and increase efficiency in healthcare

Climate and Health: Fosters engagement with and among Partners, in collaboration with the Centre for Nature and Climate, to address the climate crisis as a threat to human health through holistic, action-oriented system transformation

Emergency Preparedness: Harnesses public-private collaboration to rebalance the global manufacturing capacity of vaccines and expands pathogen genomic surveillance to better respond to pandemics and prevent future outbreaks from becoming full-blown pandemics

Healthy Workforces: Collectively shape measurable actions to address the challenges workers are facing globally and cultivate supportive and healthy workplaces for both mental and physical health

Global Health Equity Network: Aims to shape a healthier and more inclusive world by mobilizing executive leadership and commitment across sectors and geographies to prioritize health equity action in organizational strategy and purpose

Women’s Health Initiative: Engages leaders and communities through sustained, impactful dialogue to develop and amplify efforts that improve the health of women and girls

New Frontiers of Nutrition: Convenes leading-edge disruptors, private-sector companies and public partners to shape transformative solutions to elevate nutrition as a key enabler of societal resilience

Future of Personalized Well-being: Explores the personalized well-being landscape and how digital biology can be the game-changer needed to improve people’s quality of life and overall well-being

Chief Health Officers: Collaborate with a community of senior executives overseeing workforce health in partner organizations on advancing workforce well-being globally

Systems Strengthening: Aims to improve the sustainability and resilience of health and healthcare systems through the Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience and the Global Coalition for Value in Healthcare

Centre for Nature and Climate

First Movers Coalition: Leverages the collective purchasing power of companies to send a clear demand signal to foster the expansion of critical technologies essential for the net-zero transition, and focuses on hard-to-abate sectors, e.g. aluminium, steel, concrete, trucking, aviation, shipping and chemicals, as well as carbon removal technologies

Climate Governance Initiative: Mobilizes and engages board members on climate action, reaching over 200,000 non-executive directors, and includes a Climate Governance community of experts to guide thought leadership and insights

1t.org: Supports forest conservation and land restoration by conserving, restoring and growing a trillion trees by 2030, having secured pledges from 81 companies and commitments to plant 7 billion trees in 65 countries, with regional chapters in the United States, the Sahel region, China and India

Tropical Forest Alliance: Works with the world’s largest agricultural commodity players and leading consumer goods companies to tackle tropical deforestation linked to the production of agricultural commodities, with a focus on Indonesia and Brazil

Ocean 20: Fosters action by leading global companies, G20 countries and civil society voices to make and realize commitments to blue food, blue carbon and a sustainable blue economy

Food Partnership Hubs: Support Food Innovation Hubs and build Food Action Alliances to make food systems more nutritious, resilient and environmentally sustainable

Water Resources Group: Provides water stewardship through a public-private partnership co-hosted with the World Bank, including accelerator programmes with over 1,000 partners, catalysing $1 billion in financing

Global Plastic Action Partnership: Tackles plastic waste and pollution, with national and subnational chapters in nine countries and over 300 organizations, and supports negotiations on the UN Treaty on plastic pollution

Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders: Shapes data-driven corporate climate leadership and engagements with policy-makers to deliver the transition to a net-zero economy

Chief Sustainability Leaders: Share insights and experiences among CSOs on sustainability trends and developments in diverse sectors and countries

Giving to Amplify Earth Action: Seeks to increase climate philanthropy and drive equitable climate and nature solutions through philanthropic, public- and private-sector partnerships

Champions for Nature: Uses a multistakeholder community of leaders’ experience and ambition to pave the way to a net-zero, nature-positive global economy by 2030

CEO Alliance on Food, Water and Health: Addresses the nexus of food–water–health, with a focus on healthy soils, transition finance for regenerative practices and the local production of sustainable and nutritious foods

Business for Climate Adaptation: Works to develop new approaches to engage businesses more actively in climate adaptation

Earth Decides: Works with scientists and thought leaders to translate research and scientific knowledge into actionable insights and strategy

Global Future Councils: Apply innovative thinking, data-driven approaches and a systems lens to nature and climate issues related to clean air, philanthropy for nature and climate, food and water security, responsible resource use, nature and security, net-zero living and sustainable tourism

Centre for the New Economy and Society

Future of Growth Consortium: Champions a new multidimensional framework and agenda for resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth

Markets of Tomorrow Accelerators: Identify the strategic markets that will drive future economic transformation through national-level multistakeholder partnerships, underpinned by the Markets of Tomorrow framework, and provide insights and dialogues on the economic outlook, industrial policy, taxation, inflation and other relevant topics

Jobs Consortium: Champions investment in “good jobs” for economic recovery and productive employment through the Jobs Accelerators, national-level multistakeholder partnerships mobilizing this agenda

Future of Jobs Report: Explores how jobs and skills of the future will evolve over the next five years, contextualized within economic cycles, technology adoption and other drivers of change

Good Work Alliance: Promotes building a healthy, resilient and equitable future of work, underpinned by the Good Work Framework

Refugee Employment and Employability Alliance: Enables employers to provide refugees with labour market integration support

Reskilling Revolution: Aims to provide 1 billion people with better education, skills and learning by 2030 through the Skills Accelerators, national-level multistakeholder partnerships mobilizing this agenda and addressing skills gaps for the future of work

Future Skills Alliance: Enables individuals with the help of skills and learning providers to enter and remain in the labour market, underpinned by a global skills taxonomy

Education 4.0 Alliance: Transforms learning in the age of artificial intelligence, underpinned by the Education 4.0 framework, learning taxonomy, school Lighthouses and national Education Accelerators

Global Parity Consortium: Takes holistic action to accelerate diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and beyond, supported by a Lighthouses programme

Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Works towards ensuring racial justice in business, building equitable workplaces for professionals with under-represented racial and ethnic identities, setting a global standard for workplace equality and disability inclusion, and accelerating LGBTQI+ inclusion

Accelerating Gender Parity: Benchmarks countries on their progress towards gender parity, detailed in the Global Gender Gap Reports, with the Gender Parity Accelerators driving national-level multistakeholder partnerships to reshape gender parity for the future

Accelerating an Equitable and Just Transition: Builds a vision, tools and coalitions for an equitable, fair and inclusive green transition, with a focus on quality jobs and job transitions

Global Risks Report: Tracks global risks perceptions in five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological, guided by an Advisory Board and global survey

Chief Economists Community: Provides inputs into the Chief Economists Outlook quarterly report from chief economists of over 50 leading public and private organizations

Chief Human Resources Officers Community: Amplifies insights on the emerging trends on the future of work and mobilizes action on initiatives that promote high-quality jobs

Chief Learning Officers Community: Exchanges and drives action on skills and learning in the workplace stemming from organizations’ business representatives responsible for learning content and delivery

Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officers Community: Exchanges and drives strategic progress on diversity, equity and inclusion stemming from the expertise of chief diversity and inclusion officers from over 125 companies in various industries

Chief Risk Officers Community: Examines topics of risk assessment and preparedness and informs the upcoming Chief Risk Officers Outlook

Global Country Accelerators Network: Shapes more prosperous and inclusive economies and societies in five impact areas – education, gender parity, jobs, markets of tomorrow and skills – through a network of over 30 national public-private collaboration platforms

Global Future Councils: Involve global experts producing strategic insights on growth, job creation, the care economy, the economics of equitable transition, and complex risks

Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics

Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL): Advances progress on global challenges through private dialogues at the highest level

Diplomacy Dialogues: Support official diplomatic processes and foster discussions on addressing regional and global fault-lines in meetings of decision-makers and stakeholders

Country Strategy Dialogues: Gather heads of state/senior ministers and business executives in interactive meetings to advance discussions on avenues for growth

Regional Roundtable Dialogues: Advance discussions on critical issues (energy transition, growth agendas) in key economies

Humanitarian and Resilience Investing Initiative: Helps direct capital to financially sustainable opportunities in frontier markets

Resilience Consortium: Delivers a pro-growth, holistic resilience agenda globally, including by showcasing key best practices (Lighthouse case studies)

European Green Deal CEO Action Group: Helps advance Europe’s green and digital transitions

Forum Friends of the AfCFTA Coalition: Brings together over 60 leaders from the public and private sectors, in a formal collaboration with the AfCFTA secretariat, to support the implementation of the AfCFTA agreement

Green Trade and Investment Steering Group: Develops scenarios for climate competitiveness, supports national strategies for a fair transition, guides climate foreign direct investment and facilitates circular trade

Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation: Supports governments in developing and least-developed countries in implementing the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement

Global Future Councils: Deliver insight into how leaders can revitalize or rebuild mechanisms of cooperation to advance shared priorities in emerging trade and investment issues and in the field of geopolitics

Inclusive Trade: Works to ensure trade benefits all sections of society and to mitigate trade harms to workers and underserved groups

Japan Energy Transition Initiative: Supports Japan’s energy transition and facilitates regional collaboration to accelerate the net-zero transformation

Leaders for a Sustainable MENA: Champions pathways for climate-resilient growth in the MENA region by accelerating corporate climate ambition and scaling the roll-out of low-carbon technologies

Champions for ASEAN’s Economic Future: Works to deepen collaboration between leaders from the public and private sectors and help further regional integration

Trade and Investment Leadership Group: Sets the mandate for the trade and investment community to help navigate commercial geopolitics, increase the quantity and quality of foreign investment, ease global commerce through simplification, apply new trade technologies, build sustainable value chains and ensure inclusive outcomes from trade

Trade, Investment and Development Agencies CEO Group: Shares best practice on linking regional priorities and action to international trade and investment developments

Digital Trade, TradeTech and Payments Group: Catalyses the use of emerging technologies to improve trade outcomes, advises on digital economy policies and explores international digital payment and finance dynamics

Labour and Indigenous Peoples Working Groups: Convene inclusive dialogue and research among communities to advance regulatory and business approaches that support improved trade outcomes for all

Work Stream on Trade Shocks and Geopolitical Tensions: Delivers insights that help business and governments navigate trade shocks and geopolitical tensions

World Investment for Development Alliance: Convenes leading international investment organizations to collaborate on priorities including investment facilitation

Centre for Urban Transformation

G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance: Unites business leaders, innovators and experts with city networks representing over 200,000 local governments to ease adoption of beneficial technologies

Global Partnership for Local Investment: Mobilizes public-private collaboration and investment in local communities to increase prosperity for 100 million people across 100 cities by 2030

Davos Baukultur Alliance: Advances shared global principles on design, planning and construction to improve the quality of living environments and accommodate the 2.5 billion new urban residents expected in the coming decades

Global New Mobility Coalition: Accelerates the transition to shared, electric, connected and autonomous mobility to reduce emissions, improve health and mobility, and generate new business opportunities

Alliance for Urban Innovation: Connects innovators and entrepreneurs to new markets and opportunities through a global network of urban test beds that are rethinking and redefining the benefits and possibilities of urban living

Global Commission on Nature Positive Cities: Examines pioneering state-of-the-art urban interventions by city leaders, business executives and international experts that simultaneously benefit people, the planet and the economy

Global Future Council on Cities: Advances promising solutions from leading mayors, business leaders and civil society representatives to address the global urban affordability crisis

Council on the Connected World: Works with cross-sector and cross-industry leaders around the globe to strengthen the governance and continued innovation of connected technologies





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