已发布: 29 九月 2021

Annual Report 2020-2021

The world has fundamentally changed in the past 12 months. A tiny virus has shown us how devastating it can be: COVID-19 grew to a pandemic with tragic consequences for many institutions and individuals. But this past year has also shown us how we can achieve a better future. We can do so by building our economy on new concepts, by intensifying cooperation between business and government and across nations, and by exercising systems leadership. In our Annual Report 2020-2021, you can read how the World Economic Forum has contributed to those objectives, and its overall mission to improve the state of the world.

The world has fundamentally changed in the past 12 months. A tiny virus has shown us how devastating it can be: COVID-19 grew to a pandemic with tragic consequences for many institutions and individuals. But this past year has also shown us how we can achieve a better future. We can do so by building our economy on new concepts, by intensifying cooperation between business and government and across nations, and by exercising systems leadership. In our Annual Report 2020-2021, you can read how the World Economic Forum has contributed to those objectives, and its overall mission to improve the state of the world.


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