已发布: 18 九月 2012

Annual Report 2011-2012

Despite uncertainty in developed economies across the world, it has been a very good year for the World Economic Forum. In addition to a string of extremely successful events, progress across more than 50 initiatives, the publication of over 100 reports and myriad significant interactions between global leaders, we have taken concrete steps to build a new approach to improving the state of the world.The Forum is currently enacting a transformation plan that will ensure consistent strategic excellence aimed at enabling breakthrough ideas and initiatives to create tangible impact. This is particularly critical given the interconnected nature of today’s global challenges. It is our objective to catalyse and facilitate global, regional and industry transformation as the trusted partner of our Members and constituents.This year, the Forum and its task forces comprised of Members and constituents provided many actionable inputs to the B20 and G8 processes. In addition to policy impact, the Forum provided intellectual direction and strategic insight through reports and our global research networks, such as the Network of Global Agenda Councils, the Global Competitiveness Network and the Risk Response Network. Our Global Competitiveness Report and Global Risks reports are now key policy instruments used by governments and businesses alike.- Klaus SchwabFounder and Executive ChairmanWorld Economic Forum 

Despite uncertainty in developed economies across the world, it has been a very good year for the World Economic Forum. In addition to a string of extremely successful events, progress across more than 50 initiatives, the publication of over 100 reports and myriad significant interactions between global leaders, we have taken concrete steps to build a new approach to improving the state of the world.The Forum is currently enacting a transformation plan that will ensure consistent strategic excellence aimed at enabling breakthrough ideas and initiatives to create tangible impact. This is particularly critical given the interconnected nature of today’s global challenges. It is our objective to catalyse and facilitate global, regional and industry transformation as the trusted partner of our Members and constituents.This year, the Forum and its task forces comprised of Members and constituents provided many actionable inputs to the B20 and G8 processes. In addition to policy impact, the Forum provided intellectual direction and strategic insight through reports and our global research networks, such as the Network of Global Agenda Councils, the Global Competitiveness Network and the Risk Response Network. Our Global Competitiveness Report and Global Risks reports are now key policy instruments used by governments and businesses alike.- Klaus SchwabFounder and Executive ChairmanWorld Economic Forum 


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