已发布: 6 九月 2011

Annual Report 2010-2011

2010-2011, our 41st year since foundation, has confirmed, if confirmation were needed, the necessity for an independent international organization within the global governance system that has the ability and credibility to bring together all stakeholders in an independent space to work together on issues that concern us all. This year the fragility of traditional governance structures has been graphically demonstrated by events. During our Annual Meeting, we watched in real time as new technology enabled the flowering of rapid and varied civil movements across the Middle East. We have seen the weakness of economic governance in the developed world, as Europe has struggled to contain its debt crisis and the US economy has sputtered. Japan is facing a devastating scenario as a natural catastrophe turned into a nuclear nightmare. All these and numerous other examples of risks that are complex in nature and global in consequence emerge every day, enabled by the unique circumstances of the 21st century.- Klaus SchwabFounder and Executive ChairmanWorld Economic Forum 

2010-2011, our 41st year since foundation, has confirmed, if confirmation were needed, the necessity for an independent international organization within the global governance system that has the ability and credibility to bring together all stakeholders in an independent space to work together on issues that concern us all. This year the fragility of traditional governance structures has been graphically demonstrated by events. During our Annual Meeting, we watched in real time as new technology enabled the flowering of rapid and varied civil movements across the Middle East. We have seen the weakness of economic governance in the developed world, as Europe has struggled to contain its debt crisis and the US economy has sputtered. Japan is facing a devastating scenario as a natural catastrophe turned into a nuclear nightmare. All these and numerous other examples of risks that are complex in nature and global in consequence emerge every day, enabled by the unique circumstances of the 21st century.- Klaus SchwabFounder and Executive ChairmanWorld Economic Forum 


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