已发布: 6 一月 2011

Annual Report 2009-2010

In the past year, the World Economic Forum has once again been privileged to demonstrate that it is an organization uniquely suited to addressing the challenges of the 21st century by both tackling immediate problems and shaping solutions to global issues that require significant time and great care to implement.The work of the past year has shown that the efforts of all stakeholders are essential to adapt the international system to our increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. The cross-cutting efforts of our undertakings have drawn on nearly every aspect of our capabilities and inspired us to improve the state of the world with an even deeper sense of mission. My colleagues and I at the World Economic Forum remain dedicated to cooperate with our Partners, Members and communities, whom I thank for their engagement and loyalty over the past year. I am passionate about leading an organization that has attracted so much talent committed to the spirit of entrepreneurship in the global public interest.- Klaus SchwabFounder and Executive ChairmanWorld Economic Forum 

In the past year, the World Economic Forum has once again been privileged to demonstrate that it is an organization uniquely suited to addressing the challenges of the 21st century by both tackling immediate problems and shaping solutions to global issues that require significant time and great care to implement.The work of the past year has shown that the efforts of all stakeholders are essential to adapt the international system to our increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. The cross-cutting efforts of our undertakings have drawn on nearly every aspect of our capabilities and inspired us to improve the state of the world with an even deeper sense of mission. My colleagues and I at the World Economic Forum remain dedicated to cooperate with our Partners, Members and communities, whom I thank for their engagement and loyalty over the past year. I am passionate about leading an organization that has attracted so much talent committed to the spirit of entrepreneurship in the global public interest.- Klaus SchwabFounder and Executive ChairmanWorld Economic Forum 


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