已发布: 7 一月 2011

Annual Report 2008-2009

In light of the heightened importance of personal interaction to identify the best strategies and solutions moving forward, the Forum’s partnerships and memberships, as well as the number of participants at our events throughout the year, reached record levels. This is a powerful demonstration of our stakeholders’ commitment to global citizenship even in times of mounting self-interest. Especially reassuring was that many governments sought to cooperate actively with the Forum in reaching out to business and civil society to attain their political objectives.

In light of the heightened importance of personal interaction to identify the best strategies and solutions moving forward, the Forum’s partnerships and memberships, as well as the number of participants at our events throughout the year, reached record levels. This is a powerful demonstration of our stakeholders’ commitment to global citizenship even in times of mounting self-interest. Especially reassuring was that many governments sought to cooperate actively with the Forum in reaching out to business and civil society to attain their political objectives.


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