已发布: 30 九月 2013

Annual Meeting of the New Champions - Rethinking Personal Data

Participants at the Annual Meeting of New Champions held a private session to discuss innovations and risks in the use and exchange of personal data as part of the on-going Rethinking Personal Data project (www.weforum.org/personaldata). The focus of the session was on discussing a new approach to using and sharing personal data that strikes the right balance between managing the risks that can be created when personal data is used and exchanged, and promoting innovation through the free flow of personal data. Striking this balance is key to fostering a sustainable personal data ecosystem that fulfils its tremendous potential for social and economic good while respecting the rights of individuals.

Participants at the Annual Meeting of New Champions held a private session to discuss innovations and risks in the use and exchange of personal data as part of the on-going Rethinking Personal Data project (www.weforum.org/personaldata). The focus of the session was on discussing a new approach to using and sharing personal data that strikes the right balance between managing the risks that can be created when personal data is used and exchanged, and promoting innovation through the free flow of personal data. Striking this balance is key to fostering a sustainable personal data ecosystem that fulfils its tremendous potential for social and economic good while respecting the rights of individuals.


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