已发布: 4 十月 2011

Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2011 - Mastering Quality Growth

The clear message to emerge from the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2011 is that the world is at a critical inflection point. Three years after the outbreak of the financial turmoil that plunged the global economy into its worst crisis for 80 years, the choice confronting not just Europe but also the international community as a whole is whether to rely on national solutions to muddle through this difficult period – or to take decisive and bold action that is coordinated and cooperative and will have meaningful structural impact.

The clear message to emerge from the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2011 is that the world is at a critical inflection point. Three years after the outbreak of the financial turmoil that plunged the global economy into its worst crisis for 80 years, the choice confronting not just Europe but also the international community as a whole is whether to rely on national solutions to muddle through this difficult period – or to take decisive and bold action that is coordinated and cooperative and will have meaningful structural impact.


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