已发布: 17 一月 2013

Annex Multistakeholder Collaboration for Healthy - Living Toolkit for Joint Action

To assist stakeholders in initiating and managing multistakeholder actions for Healthy Living, the Forum and the Pan American Health Organization, in collaboration with Bain & Company, have developed the “Toolkit for Multistakeholder Action”. The Toolkit is based on a simple six-block framework to help collaborations structure and progress with their joint work.The Toolkit includes a detailed Annex. The Annex provides hands-on templates and practical resources designed to summarize key data and information for Healthy Living collaborations in a simple and user-friendly manner. The one-page-per-topic format will help teams effectively prepare for project meetings and focus the discussion on key issues.Read the Healthy Living Toolkit for Joint ActionRead the Healthy Living Toolkit for Joint Action in Spanish

To assist stakeholders in initiating and managing multistakeholder actions for Healthy Living, the Forum and the Pan American Health Organization, in collaboration with Bain & Company, have developed the “Toolkit for Multistakeholder Action”. The Toolkit is based on a simple six-block framework to help collaborations structure and progress with their joint work.The Toolkit includes a detailed Annex. The Annex provides hands-on templates and practical resources designed to summarize key data and information for Healthy Living collaborations in a simple and user-friendly manner. The one-page-per-topic format will help teams effectively prepare for project meetings and focus the discussion on key issues.Read the Healthy Living Toolkit for Joint ActionRead the Healthy Living Toolkit for Joint Action in Spanish


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