已发布: 7 五月 2024

Amplifying the Global Value of Earth Observation

By 2030, the economic opportunity afforded by Earth observation (EO) insights is projected to surpass $700 billion while directly contributing to the abatement of 2 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases annually, marking an era of unprecedented potential in monitoring and analysing Earth from space.

By 2030, the economic opportunity afforded by Earth observation (EO) insights is projected to surpass $700 billion while directly contributing to the abatement of 2 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases annually, marking an era of unprecedented potential in monitoring and analysing Earth from space.

This report, a collaborative effort by the World Economic Forum and Deloitte, highlights the exponential growth in satellite technology and its applications across various sectors, including agriculture, disaster response and renewable energy. It quantifies the economic and environmental benefits and details concrete use cases creating value for both businesses and the planet.

With the involvement of 40 industry leaders, this report explores strategic approaches to maximize EO's global impact, highlighting the need for increased adoption and innovation across the EO industry. This publication aims to inspire stakeholders within and beyond the EO ecosystem to consider these insights for a more prosperous and resilient future for the planet.


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