已发布: 20 九月 2019

AI Government Procurement Guidelines

Governments are increasingly seeking to capture the opportunities offered by AI to improve public-sector productivity and the provision of services to the public and to stimulate the economy. AI holds the potential to vastly improve government operations and meet the needs of citizens in new ways, ranging from traffic management to healthcare delivery to processing tax forms. However, governments often lack experience in acquiring modern AI solutions and many public institutions are cautious about harnessing this powerful technology. Overall, the guidelines aim to guide all parties involved in the procurement life cycle – policy officials, procurement officers, data scientists, technology providers, and their leaders – towards the overarching goal of safeguarding public benefit and well-being.

Governments are increasingly seeking to capture the opportunities offered by AI to improve public-sector productivity and the provision of services to the public and to stimulate the economy. AI holds the potential to vastly improve government operations and meet the needs of citizens in new ways, ranging from traffic management to healthcare delivery to processing tax forms. However, governments often lack experience in acquiring modern AI solutions and many public institutions are cautious about harnessing this powerful technology. Overall, the guidelines aim to guide all parties involved in the procurement life cycle – policy officials, procurement officers, data scientists, technology providers, and their leaders – towards the overarching goal of safeguarding public benefit and well-being.

Updated version available here.


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