已发布: 25 六月 2024

AI for Impact: The PRISM Framework for Responsible AI in Social Innovation

Artificial intelligence (AI) has shown immense promise in helping organizations leapfrog social and environmental challenges. The first report in this series, AI for Impact: The Role of AI in Social Innovation, mapped out the landscape of AI deployment by social impact domain, geography and gender and presented case studies of social innovators who have successfully deployed the technology for impact.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has shown immense promise in helping organizations leapfrog social and environmental challenges. The first report in this series, AI for Impact: The Role of AI in Social Innovation, mapped out the landscape of AI deployment by social impact domain, geography and gender and presented case studies of social innovators who have successfully deployed the technology for impact.

This white paper builds on the first report and leverages the Presidio Framework of the AI Governance Alliance (AIGA) of the World Economic Forum. It introduces the PRISM framework, which provides different adoption pathways and real-life case studies through which social innovators, impact enterprises and intermediaries can filter their impact mission, capabilities and risks against their use of the technology.

The framework in this report is also the basis of an AI-enabled AI Readiness Assessment Matrix, accessible to social innovators and impact enterprises to evaluate their current practices. It presents an actionable roadmap to integrate and implement AI internally and externally.

This report series is an outcome of the AI for Social Innovation workstream of the Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship, which aims increase awareness and promote the ethical adoption of AI by social innovators and impact enterprises.


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