已发布: 23 九月 2024

AI for Impact: Strengthening AI Ecosystems for Social Innovation

This insight report by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, in collaboration with EY and Microsoft, builds on insights from earlier reports in the 'AI for Impact' series. It supports these insights with data and analyses from a survey issued to 40 leading technology organizations at the forefront of AI development.

This insight report by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, in collaboration with EY and Microsoft, builds on insights from earlier reports in the 'AI for Impact' series. It supports these insights with data and analyses from a survey issued to 40 leading technology organizations at the forefront of AI development.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows great promise for impact. A previous report in the series indicates that over 70% of social innovators have deployed a form of machine learning in social impact domains such as healthcare and the environment. Yet the ecosystem of support and collaboration around AI for Impact remains weak, with less than 1% of global corporate investment in AI allocated to impact-focused applications of AI.

The report analyses the current landscape of collaboration, including financial and non-financial support, and establishes the case for stronger and more equitable systems of support and collaboration for 'AI for Impact' programmes by technology organizations, corporates and philanthropies. It also reinforces the role of ecosystem intermediaries, funders and support networks as crucial factors for success.

It further spotlights the critical role that social innovators play in mitigating the environmental and social risks of AI and shows how technology organizations and other corporates can draw lessons and derive benefits through partnerships and intentional support initiatives.


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