已发布: 19 十二月 2024

Agritech for Women Farmers: A Business Case for Inclusive Growth

Women farmers play a vital role in global agriculture, contributing 43% of the agricultural labour force and producing up to 80% of food in developing countries. Despite their importance, women face systemic challenges, from limited access to resources and technology to the dual burden of household and farm responsibilities. These barriers prevent them from fully benefiting from and contributing to advancements like digital agricultural technologies (agritech).

Women farmers play a vital role in global agriculture, contributing 43% of the agricultural labour force and producing up to 80% of food in developing countries. Despite their importance, women face systemic challenges, from limited access to resources and technology to the dual burden of household and farm responsibilities. These barriers prevent them from fully benefiting from and contributing to advancements like digital agricultural technologies (agritech).

This report explores the untapped potential of gender-inclusive agritech. It highlights how addressing women farmers’ unique needs can drive farm-level and macroeconomic gains while creating new opportunities for agritech companies. By innovating on the “5Ps” – product, price, promotion, place and people – businesses can build a competitive edge, enhance customer loyalty and contribute to sustainable development.

Through case studies and recommendations, the report underscores the need for multistakeholder collaboration to enable systemic change, ensuring agritech benefits all farmers equally.


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