已发布: 4 五月 2011

The Africa Competitiveness Report 2011

The Africa Competitiveness Report 2011, the third report jointly published by our organizations, comes out at a time when Africa’s recovery from the global economic crisis has been faster than it has in many other parts of the world. Indeed, Africa has seen what can be termed an “economic resurgence” over the past decade: between 2001 and 2010, gross domestic product growth on the continent averaged 5.2 percent annually—a rate also expected in 2011, and higher than the global average of 4.2 percent.Questions remain, however, as to how sustainable this growth will be over the longer term. Recent events in North Africa suggest that much remains to be done to place Africa’s economic development on a more solid footing.The Africa Competitiveness Report highlights areas where we need urgent policy action and investment to ensure that Africa sustains its economic recovery and continues to grow in the future. It maps out the continent’s policy challenges and presents a unified vision, shared by all our organizations, of the areas requiring critical attention. The Report can serve as a useful tool for African decision makers in public and private spheres to measure the business climate potential for fostering sustainable growth and prosperity. 

The Africa Competitiveness Report 2011, the third report jointly published by our organizations, comes out at a time when Africa’s recovery from the global economic crisis has been faster than it has in many other parts of the world. Indeed, Africa has seen what can be termed an “economic resurgence” over the past decade: between 2001 and 2010, gross domestic product growth on the continent averaged 5.2 percent annually—a rate also expected in 2011, and higher than the global average of 4.2 percent.Questions remain, however, as to how sustainable this growth will be over the longer term. Recent events in North Africa suggest that much remains to be done to place Africa’s economic development on a more solid footing.The Africa Competitiveness Report highlights areas where we need urgent policy action and investment to ensure that Africa sustains its economic recovery and continues to grow in the future. It maps out the continent’s policy challenges and presents a unified vision, shared by all our organizations, of the areas requiring critical attention. The Report can serve as a useful tool for African decision makers in public and private spheres to measure the business climate potential for fostering sustainable growth and prosperity. 


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