已发布: 29 六月 2021

Advancing Digital Safety: A Framework to Align Global Action

This White Paper distils a user-centric framework for advancing digital safety. It explores tensions regarding privacy, free expression, innovation, business incentives, private power and safety. It asks questions that all users should be in a position to answer for themselves: How much harm am I exposed to? Is there undue influence? What remedy is available? Which personal data is used and how? The application of clearer safety thresholds, complaint protocols, auditable systems and identity guidelines can help both governments and industry – especially in technologies that transcend country boundaries – to consider their obligations to citizens and users, respectively. The paper invites governments, industry, academia and civil society to drive collective action through the newly launched Global Coalition for Digital Safety.

This White Paper distils a user-centric framework for advancing digital safety. It explores tensions regarding privacy, free expression, innovation, business incentives, private power and safety. It asks questions that all users should be in a position to answer for themselves: How much harm am I exposed to? Is there undue influence? What remedy is available? Which personal data is used and how? The application of clearer safety thresholds, complaint protocols, auditable systems and identity guidelines can help both governments and industry – especially in technologies that transcend country boundaries – to consider their obligations to citizens and users, respectively. The paper invites governments, industry, academia and civil society to drive collective action through the newly launched Global Coalition for Digital Safety.


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