已发布: 13 四月 2021

Advancing Data Flow Governance in the Indo-Pacific: Four Country Analyses and Dialogues

This White Paper on advancing data flow governance in the Asia-Pacific region explores international and regional best practices in four domestic contexts. In particular, the paper summarizes the highlights from workshops on data transfer governance and digital growth in the Philippines, Thailand, India and Viet Nam. The workshop discussions served to review national data policy developments and identify avenues for facilitating data transfers. The insights captured can be used as a reference for data flow governance debates everywhere, particularly from an economic development perspective.

This White Paper on advancing data flow governance in the Asia-Pacific region explores international and regional best practices in four domestic contexts. In particular, the paper summarizes the highlights from workshops on data transfer governance and digital growth in the Philippines, Thailand, India and Viet Nam. The workshop discussions served to review national data policy developments and identify avenues for facilitating data transfers. The insights captured can be used as a reference for data flow governance debates everywhere, particularly from an economic development perspective.


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