已发布: 11 九月 2024

Advancing Data Equity: An Action-Oriented Framework

Automated decision-making systems based on algorithms and data are increasingly common today, with profound implications for individuals, communities and society. More than ever before, data equity is a shared responsibility that requires collective action to create data practices and systems that promote fair and just outcomes for all.

Automated decision-making systems based on algorithms and data are increasingly common today, with profound implications for individuals, communities and society. More than ever before, data equity is a shared responsibility that requires collective action to create data practices and systems that promote fair and just outcomes for all.

This paper, produced by members of the Global Future Council on Data Equity, proposes a data equity definition and framework for inquiry that spurs ongoing dialogue and continuous action towards implementing data equity in organizations. This framework serves as a dynamic tool for stakeholders committed to operationalizing data equity, across various sectors and regions, given the rapidly evolving data and technology landscapes.


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