已发布: 18 七月 2024

Advanced Air Mobility: Shaping the Future of Aviation

Advanced air mobility (AAM) is the leading edge of innovation in the aviation industry, introducing higher levels of automation and new technological advancements. This white paper explores human involvement in AAM operations, from direct control to remote supervision, and highlights the diverse opportunities for the application of AAM in both passenger and non-passenger transport.

Advanced air mobility (AAM) is the leading edge of innovation in the aviation industry, introducing higher levels of automation and new technological advancements. This white paper explores human involvement in AAM operations, from direct control to remote supervision, and highlights the diverse opportunities for the application of AAM in both passenger and non-passenger transport.

AAM offers significant benefits across industries, including enhanced healthcare delivery, improved logistics in remote areas and streamlined transport in city centres. Yet, it faces challenges in gaining social acceptance, ensuring operational feasibility and securing financial viability. This paper argues that further development of the ecosystem, including cohesive regulations and substantial investments in both digital and physical infrastructure, is essential to fully integrate AAM into existing transport systems and realize its full potential.


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