已发布: 16 一月 2020

Activating a Seamless Integrated Mobility System (SIMSystem): Insights into Leading Global Practices

A fundamental transformation of how we – and our goods – move is taking place, enabled by a plethora of new mobility technologies and motivated in part by exponential urbanization. Without a bird’s eye view of the deployment of mobility solutions across urban centers and the ability to respond dynamically to new demand and supply, this transformation will leave vulnerable populations further behind and cities unable to cope with the growing pressure on their systems. As a result, public and private leaders around the world have tackled the activation of integrated mobility systems, addressing fundamental questions and pioneering novel strategies. This report condenses the insights of over 100 stakeholders and 10 cities to deliver some of the globally applicable lessons and recommendations that can be extracted from their efforts. It is not meant to be all-inclusive but to spark cross-sectoral, international conversations about how we move forward together.

A fundamental transformation of how we – and our goods – move is taking place, enabled by a plethora of new mobility technologies and motivated in part by exponential urbanization. Without a bird’s eye view of the deployment of mobility solutions across urban centers and the ability to respond dynamically to new demand and supply, this transformation will leave vulnerable populations further behind and cities unable to cope with the growing pressure on their systems. As a result, public and private leaders around the world have tackled the activation of integrated mobility systems, addressing fundamental questions and pioneering novel strategies. This report condenses the insights of over 100 stakeholders and 10 cities to deliver some of the globally applicable lessons and recommendations that can be extracted from their efforts. It is not meant to be all-inclusive but to spark cross-sectoral, international conversations about how we move forward together.


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