已发布: 1 九月 2022

Accelerating Urban Inclusion for a Just Recovery

This report draws global attention to how the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened stark inequalities in cities around the world. This report makes the urgent case for greater urban inclusion, and provides guidance and inspiration to cities on how to achieve it. The report helps cities to understand that there are different dimensions of urban inclusion and provides a 10-step action plan to advance inclusion with a sequence of actions to enable urban inclusion in the spatial, digital, social/institutional, and economic realms on a spectrum from getting started to advanced action.

This report draws global attention to how the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened stark inequalities in cities around the world. This report makes the urgent case for greater urban inclusion, and provides guidance and inspiration to cities on how to achieve it. The report helps cities to understand that there are different dimensions of urban inclusion and provides a 10-step action plan to advance inclusion with a sequence of actions to enable urban inclusion in the spatial, digital, social/institutional, and economic realms on a spectrum from getting started to advanced action.


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