已发布: 28 一月 2022

Accelerating the Decarbonization of Buildings: The Net-Zero Carbon Cities Building Value Framework

The construction and operation of buildings generate 38% of global greenhouse gas emissions. While numerous technologies exist to help decarbonize the sector, there is an urgent need to accelerate investment to implement these solutions at scale in cities around the world.

The construction and operation of buildings generate 38% of global greenhouse gas emissions. While numerous technologies exist to help decarbonize the sector, there is an urgent need to accelerate investment to implement these solutions at scale in cities around the world.

This briefing paper introduces the Building Value Framework, which aims to shift how the value of investments green buildings are perceived. The framework proposes a more holistic decision-making approach, recognizing the importance of social and environmental outcomes, as well as system performance. It incorporates a detailed description of both financial and non-financial value outcomes, as well as an operational checklist to support asset owners and investors in making future-proof investments to decarbonize buildings.

We welcome stakeholders to join us on this journey.

To learn more about the Net Zero Carbon Cities program, please visit the webpage here.

To learn more about the Building Value Framework, please visit the webpage here.


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