已发布: 14 二月 2022

Accelerating the Biomanufacturing Revolution

Biomanufacturing applications are exiting the labs and impacting value chains. Innovation and recent advancements in the field of synthetic biology have enabled significant expansions in capabilities while establishing economies of scale to continue to drive unit costs down. The opportunity to leverage sustainable, scalable, and innovative biomanufacturing solutions is becoming increasingly relevant to the broader manufacturing community.

Biomanufacturing applications are exiting the labs and impacting value chains. Innovation and recent advancements in the field of synthetic biology have enabled significant expansions in capabilities while establishing economies of scale to continue to drive unit costs down. The opportunity to leverage sustainable, scalable, and innovative biomanufacturing solutions is becoming increasingly relevant to the broader manufacturing community.

This white paper summarizes insights from senior executives and public sector leaders and shares case studies across industries demonstrating best practices and key learnings to accelerate the deployment of sustainable & innovative biomanufacturing technologies. It is part of the Accelerating the Biomanufacturing Revolution Initiative by the Shaping the Future of Advanced Manufacturing and Value Chains Platform. Please follow these links to learn more about our other work.


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