已发布: 15 七月 2010

Accelerating Successful Smart Grid Pilots

The Smart Grid project is driven by the Energy and ICT Industry Partner Communities and supported by theresources Partner, Accenture. In 2009, the Forum began researching the opportunities and challenges surrounding smart grid, publishing a report entitled Accelerating SmartGrid Investments. Building on this report and a series of workshops, including a private session at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010 in Davos, the Forum launched the second phase of the smart grid project in June 2010.In 2010, the Smart Grid project is bringing together key stakeholders across the smart grid value chain and combining research and dialogue to:• Provide a platform for public and private stakeholders across the smart grid value chain to collect and share practical knowledge and insights on what it takes tocreate successful and larger smart grid pilot projects and move forward smart grid developments• Fill the current knowledge gaps on what can be learned from existing pilot projects to define success criteria anda value case for future pilot projects and create recom-mendations to inform investment and policy-making as well as roadmaps of smart grid roll-out• Explore ways of implementing the recommendations from the project, particularly the opportunity to catalyse concrete partnerships for action- Download the Japanese version of the report 

The Smart Grid project is driven by the Energy and ICT Industry Partner Communities and supported by theresources Partner, Accenture. In 2009, the Forum began researching the opportunities and challenges surrounding smart grid, publishing a report entitled Accelerating SmartGrid Investments. Building on this report and a series of workshops, including a private session at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010 in Davos, the Forum launched the second phase of the smart grid project in June 2010.In 2010, the Smart Grid project is bringing together key stakeholders across the smart grid value chain and combining research and dialogue to:• Provide a platform for public and private stakeholders across the smart grid value chain to collect and share practical knowledge and insights on what it takes tocreate successful and larger smart grid pilot projects and move forward smart grid developments• Fill the current knowledge gaps on what can be learned from existing pilot projects to define success criteria anda value case for future pilot projects and create recom-mendations to inform investment and policy-making as well as roadmaps of smart grid roll-out• Explore ways of implementing the recommendations from the project, particularly the opportunity to catalyse concrete partnerships for action- Download the Japanese version of the report 


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