已发布: 16 五月 2014

Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery: New Evidence from International Financial Institutions

Infrastructure is an important driver of economic competitiveness in the present globalized investment landscape. Yet the divergence between the need for infrastructure and the ability of governments to deliver continues to widen, creating a bottleneck for growth and diversification. These gaps have widened in certain developed markets owing to limits imposed by public indebtedness and, in emerging markets, by the underestimation of the growing need for infrastructure due to population growth and urbanization. In both cases, more effective delivery mechanisms are needed. 

Infrastructure is an important driver of economic competitiveness in the present globalized investment landscape. Yet the divergence between the need for infrastructure and the ability of governments to deliver continues to widen, creating a bottleneck for growth and diversification. These gaps have widened in certain developed markets owing to limits imposed by public indebtedness and, in emerging markets, by the underestimation of the growing need for infrastructure due to population growth and urbanization. In both cases, more effective delivery mechanisms are needed. 


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