已发布: 17 三月 2025

Accelerating Impact Investments for Climate and Nature in Asia

Asia plays a pivotal role in the global climate landscape, contributing 51% of global carbon emissions and hosting 82% of the world’s coal generation. At the same time, it is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate impacts, presenting a critical opportunity to scale investment in high-potential nature and climate solutions. Yet the impact investment market remains in its early stages, with significant room for growth.

Asia plays a pivotal role in the global climate landscape, contributing 51% of global carbon emissions and hosting 82% of the world’s coal generation. At the same time, it is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate impacts, presenting a critical opportunity to scale investment in high-potential nature and climate solutions. Yet the impact investment market remains in its early stages, with significant room for growth.

Accelerating Impact Investments for Climate and Nature in Asia explores how impact investing can mobilize capital for nature and climate action while delivering financial returns. It highlights key barriers, including market immaturity, investor risk perceptions and limited standardized impact measurement. It presents solutions such as blended finance and public-private-philanthropic partnerships (4Ps) to de-risk investments and attract capital.

With practical recommendations for investors, policy-makers and businesses, the report outlines strategies to scale climate-smart solutions, sustainable infrastructure, and nature-based investments. By accelerating impact investing, stakeholders can drive Asia’s transition to a net-zero economy, protect ecosystems and create long-term economic growth.


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