已发布: 19 五月 2022

Accelerating Digital Payments in Latin America and the Caribbean

Digital payment ecosystems are the invisible infrastructure powering commerce, trade and people’s daily lives. With the onset of global COVID-19 pandemic the value of digital payments for individuals and businesses became even more apparent. Yet despite the importance of digital payments in powering economies, many people in Latin America and the Caribbean still lack adequate access to digital payments and may be excluded from participating more broadly in financial services and commerce. This report explores the existing barriers to digital payment adoption and growth in the region and proposes solutions at the public, public-private and private levels to advance this sector.

Digital payment ecosystems are the invisible infrastructure powering commerce, trade and people’s daily lives. With the onset of global COVID-19 pandemic the value of digital payments for individuals and businesses became even more apparent. Yet despite the importance of digital payments in powering economies, many people in Latin America and the Caribbean still lack adequate access to digital payments and may be excluded from participating more broadly in financial services and commerce. This report explores the existing barriers to digital payment adoption and growth in the region and proposes solutions at the public, public-private and private levels to advance this sector.


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