已发布: 20 九月 2022

Accelerating Decarbonization through Trade in Climate Goods and Services

By making climate-friendly technologies more readily available, trade can support climate action, and governments must work together to encourage their uptake.

By making climate-friendly technologies more readily available, trade can support climate action, and governments must work together to encourage their uptake.

Trade, investment and international partnerships can help to encourage the roll-out of climate goods and services. This report, produced by the World Economic Forum’s Climate Trade Zero initiative, presents a high-level list of 25 key climate technologies that governments should focus on to increase trade. A further list of items, including inputs and tariff codes, has been prepared for trade negotiators. Priorities for developing economies are also addressed, as it is vital for all countries and citizens to have the opportunity to grow green.

Climate Goods Trade Reference List (Detailed)

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