已发布: 12 一月 2023

Accelerating Business Action on Climate Change Adaptation

The report shows how businesses can work with governments, international organizations and communities to adapt to the acute climate hazards facing the world today. Climate adaptation was a major focus at the COP27 Climate Conference in Egypt, especially in light of the devastating floods in Pakistan. Businesses have so far played a small role in global efforts on adaptation, with only 3% of funding coming from private sources. Climate risks could equate to about 10% of annual sales for some companies but there are opportunities for growth, new markets and risk management by investing in securing livelihoods and helping communities to adapt.

The report shows how businesses can work with governments, international organizations and communities to adapt to the acute climate hazards facing the world today. Climate adaptation was a major focus at the COP27 Climate Conference in Egypt, especially in light of the devastating floods in Pakistan. Businesses have so far played a small role in global efforts on adaptation, with only 3% of funding coming from private sources. Climate risks could equate to about 10% of annual sales for some companies but there are opportunities for growth, new markets and risk management by investing in securing livelihoods and helping communities to adapt.


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